Commercial Legal Expenses Insurance (LEI)
Insurance protection, arranged by calling, 0113 244 8686 or any of our local brokers direct, and for the costs associated with:
- Legal disputes
- Employment tribunals
- Tax investigations
- Allegations against the business
- Data Protection Act breaches
Few businesses manage to steer completely clear of legal disputes or areas in which they require specialist legal help. This is why Legal Expenses Insurance (LEI) is such a relevant insurance cover for today’s business community.
Legal Expenses Insurance is bought before the event – that is, before you come up against a problem. That problem could be having to defend your business at an employment tribunal or health and safety hearing; it might be a case of putting your legal case forward during a tax investigation, or having to defend yourself because of an alleged breach of the Data Protection Act. It could involve a contractual dispute or another type of allegation.
Even if completely unfounded, you need to defend yourself, if a case is brought. That alone can run into thousands of pounds, if you want to have legal advice and representation to help you through the process. Most businesses do.
Legal Expenses Insurance picks up the tab for such legal support and also the costs and charges that might emerge from the dispute. It also provides 24/7 legal support via a helpline.
It can help you defend your business’s reputation but also protect your bottom-line. Don’t launch a business without it!
Talk to one of our local Leeds brokers on 0113 244 8686 or select another local broker here.