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Engineering Inspections

Allow us to help you keep your plant and machinery safe, as well as meeting the workplace safety standards that inspection laws require of you, by calling, 0113 244 8686, or any of our local brokers direct.

Statutory inspections are something that a variety of businesses are required to undertake. This is so as to comply with health and safety legislation such as PUWER (Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations) and LOLER (Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations) and to keep electrical equipment, pressure systems and local exhaust ventilation equipment safe for use.

Such inspections often cover lifting equipment, such as pulleys, hoists, passenger or goods lifts and lifting devices found in garages and service bays. Others are intended to inspect pressurised systems, vessels and boilers – even a barista-style commercial coffee machine requires such inspection.

Gauntlet and its network of local brokers can offer you the expertise of experienced and accredited inspectors, who can assess your equipment and installations and help you ensure that you are compliant with all safety laws. These inspectors are trained to minimise disruption to your business, whilst inspection is undertaken, and can actually add value, by offering insight into when a piece of equipment might be anticipated to reach its end of life. That can be invaluable in helping you plan your capital expenditure.

Engineering inspections prevent you from operating an unsafe workplace and help you avoid fines, accidents and potential fatalities, and even damage to your reputation, should an inspector call and find you are illegally operating unsafe equipment. That could also lead to equipment being decommissioned, affecting your trade.

Keeping your workplace equipment healthy makes sense and the best way to do that is to give it a health check, on a regular basis.

To organise inspections that provide that check, please get in touch, whether your business is in the engineering or manufacturing sector, food or hospitality, retail, transport and logistics, the motor trade, or any other sector which has equipment requiring statutory inspection.

Get in touch on 0113 244 8686, or with one of our other local brokers direct, to discuss your business and we can sort out the rest.


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